While we were there, we went to a White Sox game. They played (I think) the Rangers, and it must have been one of Nolan Ryan's last games because there was a huge to-do between two of the innings about him and his career and such. I liked the hotdogs, but I thought the game was pretty boring. I've never been much of a baseball fan.
As a side note, after that whenever I played RBI baseball I'd always try to play with Nolan Ryan on my team.
Other memories from Chicago include:
- A nifty 3-D video game thing that involved putting a helmet on and seeing a world made up of polygons. There were three of four people connected into the same system, and we had to try to shoot each other. My glasses got all fogged up, so I couldn't see anything and got killed pretty quick.
- Going to the top of Sears tower. I was disapointed that there was a plastic shield up that kept me from spitting or dropping a penny over the side. What a bummer.
- There were big posters of those trick 3-D images at a mall we went to. The kind where you kind of have to let your eyes unfocus in order to see the image. I never could get those to work.
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